Green Wall-showroom – now in Holland
We are aiming towards taking control of Europe! At least when it comes to green walls. That why we have a new green wall-showroom in Holland at the large and very popular plant grower Fachjan. From here we will bring potential customers from near and far.

We are experiencing a huge interest in our system from all over Europe. We have had customers from Finland, Belgium, Germany and Holland come visit us in Denmark, but they don’t have to travel that far north in the future. We had decided to open a green wall-showroom in Holland at the very popular plant grower Fachjan, where we will show and explain our system and all the benefits to potential customers.
Why choose a green wall from Natural Greenwalls?
Our green walls are sustainable, waterproof, easy to service and without any problems for the rest of the construction.
Sustainable: It’s been very important to us that our system is sustainable. That’s why our mainfocus has been on achieving the lowest possible water- and energi consumption, as well as using recyclable materials. That doesn’t however mean that we have made any compromises – on the contrary. Our quality is at the top and the longevity is high.
Water proof: We are using a drip irrigation system that give you 100% control of the watering. Thereby it is possible to avoid overwatering the plants at the bottom and drying out the ones at the top. Our green walls are also using a water reservoir, where surplus water is diverted through overflow pipes. That way any surplus water wont flow from one plant to another, and thereby we prevent overwatering and spread of diseases.
Easy to service: Our green walls consists of individual plant cassettes. This makes the plants easy to change if necessary.
Without problems for rest of the construction: One of the most important goals for Natural Greenwalls was, that our green walls does not damage the underlying structure of the building. Therefore, we use waterproof sheets as back wall, overflow pipes and grip for the drip hoses. That gives us full control over the water. At the bottom we also use a grip that is connected to the drain.
If you want to see all of this, you are always welcome to contact us!
Want to see a green wall-showroom?