Copenhagen’s largest fashion-store: ”We had another plant-guy, but we chose Natural Greenwalls”
“All normal stores are just filled with goods they want to sell.” That’s how Claus Frederiksen, the owner of Copenhagen’s largest and oldest fashion shore, Troelstrup, when asked why he has chosen a green wall for the store, „We wish to show character and personality in our store, and we prioritize the good experience – therefore we wanted a green wall. “
However, it should not be just any green wall, and therefore Troelstrup chose Natural Greenwalls.
Troelstrup only works with specialists
When Claus Frederiksen had decided to get a green wall, he examined the market. Here the system from Natural Greenwalls stood out:
„We actually had an existing plant-guy who has always serviced us with plants, and I contacted him first. However, his green wall needed to draw water from the basement, and he could not guarantee there would not be water damage. We have an old, protected building, so obviously that would not work. Therefore, we examined the market, and then Natural Greenwalls appeared. Green walls are not a biparticipation at Natural Greenwalls, as it was with the other provider, and therefore they could guarantee that the green wall would not leak water, „he says, continuing
„We feel good about working with specialists in everything we do, also when we need professional assistance or advice. We want to have the best no matter what, and the best at green walls are Natural Greenwalls.“
When Claus Frederiksen looked at the quality and overall experience, the choice was easy to make: He chose expertise, security and a beautiful solution above all else, and therefore he chose Natural Greenwalls.
A different shopping experience at Troelstrup
Troelstrup works to provide the fashion world’s best products with the industry’s highest level of service and expertise. Therefore, they prefer to fill the store with something other than just goods,
„At a time when environment and plant environment mean more for us, it harmonizes well to choose a green wall. It’s a good idea for our society to make a statement with plants and create environments that bring life and well-being, „says Claus Frederiksen. He has already noticed that the customers have welcomed the green wall:
„The green wall provides something that reminds us of our home. At home, we surround ourselves with what we like. The experience when you visit our store should feel the same. Our customers think it is nice and cozy. They think it gives some personality. Some distinctive character. They think it’s a new and positive angle that we allocate some space for the green wall. „
Troelstrup proudly displays their values
The walls of Troelstrup are generally filled with anything but just goods. Troelstrup proudly displays their story, values and personality in the four floors of the store. There is a very special reason for this, says Claus Frederiksen:
„Working with a green wall that takes space that could otherwise be used for something commercial is not new to us. We are an older shop from 1908, and therefore our story hangs on the walls, because it should not be something you’re saving in a box. One must show it proudly. Therefore, we would like to have things on the walls that can tell a story, and here the green wall fits in naturally. It is also natural for the customers.“
Want to know more?
Our green walls are sustainable, have a low water consumption, are watertight, easy to service and the they give no problems to the rest of the structure. Do you want to know more? Then click here.
Should we help you with a Green wall? Then contact us and get a non-binding call