Dublin, Berlin, Moscow, Oslo, Stuttgart, Vienna, Zagreb, Freiburg, Trondheim, Salzburg, Lund, Greece, Italy, Switzerland – the list of countries is now 14 and the list of cities much higher. Our system has gradually spread from Denmark to all of Europe, and we are constantly getting new dealers. In order for the dealers to get the right knowledge about our system, we invite them to Denmark, where they will receive a thorough training.
We have held two training days this month, and it has been a great success!
From cradle to cradle
On the training day, the new dealers get a thorough view of our products from cradle to cradle. They hear about the need that created Natural Greenwalls, the sustainable materials that the system consists of, and about how the system should be installed and serviced. Before the training days have passed, our new dealers are full of new knowledge and ready to use it with their customers. Of course, Natural Greenwalls are always ready to help, should the least unforeseen issues arise.
Lots of knowledge and sparring across
In addition to distributors learning something about our system, we also use the training days as a knowledge sharing and sparring opportunity across national borders. Common to all the dealers are that they work within the green industry, and therefore they can also teach each other a lot – and they can teach us a lot. Therefore, it has been some very exciting days with them.
Thanks to:
ISS Norge, Plant Up, Element Green Group, Dream in Green, Blossom, BML Montagen
- Introduction to Natural Greenwalls: History, vision and dealer network
- Benefits of Natural Greenwalls: 100% sustainable, water and energy consumption, 100% waterproof etc.
- Practical demonstration of the system: From setup to maintenance
- Product review – Mobile green walls, Plug & Play, Plant columns, Water carts, Custom-designed wishes and news
- Marketing support for web, brochures etc.
Want to know more about our training days? Then please feel free to contact us